B is for Books!

If there is one thing we are certain to do during the summer, it is regular visits to the library.  In some ways, I find this surprising.  Shouldn’t we be at the library when it’s too cold to play outside?  But, then again, our local library runs a great Summer Reading Program for kids of all ages, which gets the kids super excited about checking out new books.  [Dear Barnes & Noble, Perhaps you should take a lesson from the library and realize it’s just as important to read to little ones as it is for older one to read alone!]  I always love seeing what my other blogging friends and their children are reading, so I thought I’d share some of our lists.


gods in Alabama by Joshilyn Jackson (I read Between, Georgia last summer and I’m anxious to read her latest novel)
Child Wise and PreTeen Wise 
I’m Just Here For The Food by Alton Brown
Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day 

Belle alone:

Favorite Nursery Tales by Tommie dePaola
Shannon the Ocean Fairy (She loves these Rainbow Fairy books.  They tend to follow a basic formula, but she doesn’t seem to mind that they are all basically the same, just a different verse.  Am I the only one who is now singing “Second verse, same as the first, but now Knee Slapper Style!  Fried Ham, Fried Ham, Cheese, and Bologna…” Wait, don’t answer that.)
next, the original Winnie the Pooh books

Belle and I together:

Mary Poppins
Henry and Ribsy 
Little House on the Prairie, again

Frequent picture book picks from our shelves:

No, David! and David Gets In Trouble are always favorites
How I Became a Pirate also gets lots of action (We also like Pirates Don’t Change Diapers)
Click, Clack, Moo  Cows That Type
Lily’s Purple Plastic Purse
Cat In The Hat, and other Dr. Seuss favorites
And The Dish Ran Away With The Spoon
A Picture Book of Thomas Jefferson (I’d love more of these Picture Books on various other historical characters)
Biscuit Books
Bad Dog, Marley
Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day
Amelia Bedelia books
Fancy Nancy books 
The Poky Little Puppy
Madeline books

I’ve promised a trip to a playground today, so I’d better hop in the shower before we head out.  I’ll come back later and add authors and links.

One Response to “B is for Books!”

  1. I have a huge collection of childrens’ Christmas books that I pull out at Christmas time. The kids – now 16 and 14 – still like to look at them and read them while sitting in with the tree and the lights. It’s kinda cool! If you want the list of titles, I’ll send them to you. I usually purchase one or two new ones each year. There is still a mad scramble to see if I’ve added new ones to the basket.


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